Friday, June 12, 2009
Saying No to Teenage Sex
This is an exciting time for you to discover the opposite sex, but without having to deal with the complications of being involved in sexual activity. Dating can be a lot of fun without sex! Getting into the sexual scene can short-circuit the growth you need to become a mature adult!
How do I know when I'm ready?
When you' re deciding whether you are "ready" or not, you need to look at more than just your feelings. You need to look at what you are doing. Is it safe or dangerous? "Feeling ready" can't be the only criteria for "being ready" Feelings come and go. They change especially when you're a teenager. They go back and forth. But consequences of your actions don't care about your feelings. They happen no matter how you feel. Thus, when making a decision about something as important as sex, feelings can't be the only guide. The consequences of one's action must be carefully considered.
What are the consequences?
We hear a lot today about the dangers of extramarital sexual activity. Having an unwanted pregnancy, getting sexually transmitted diseases and promiscuity which often leads to contraception and abortion are just some of these dangers. Medical journals have explained time and time again that many sexually transmitted diseases are incurable. Teen pregnancy can ruin your plans for the future.
Meanwhile, doctors have also proven that condoms aren't safe and contraceptive pills are dangerous because of its harmful side effects. There are also emotional risks involved when a teenager engages in sexual activity. You might regret it when you are older and after you've met someone you "truly love". You might feel very guilty and scared after committing the act or get a bad name or reputation should the guy decide to "kiss and tell".
That Special Gift
Having sex before marriage is sort of like giving out all your Christmas gifts in July. It may be fun at the time. But when that big day comes around, the presents have all been given out! The fun of giving that special gift to that person at that very special time, is gone.
Wait until you finish your education and can make a lifelong commitment in marriage with a partner whom you love and who loves you, before you give your special gift of sex.
It isn't easy! When people say "it's not realistic to tell teenagers not to have sex," what they're really saying is that you do not have the strength, the courage, or the common sense to practice self-control; that you are not capable of saying "NO" to sex . Perhaps nothing worthwhile in life comes easy. But it' s a lot better than putting yourself through the grief of an unwanted pregnancy and having to make the decisions that go with it, or putting yourself at risk of contracting an embarrassing or life-threatening disease.
Don't be afraid you'll lose him or her if you say "no" to sex . If your boyfriend wants you only for your physical self, then they're not worth it.
Ten Good Reasons for saying "NO"
1. First of all, you won't ever have to worry about getting pregnant. You'll never experience the fear and anxiety of having to tell your parents, "I'm pregnant," or "I got my girlfriend pregnant." Pregnancy should be a happy announcement after marriage.
2. You'll never have to worry about getting STD (Sexually Transmitted Disease).
3. You'll be free to grow emotionally, psychologically, intellectually and spiritually.
4. You'll feel good about yourself, knowing that you didn't give in to peer pressure.
5. By not falling into "the sex-trap", you're building your psychological strength and self-esteem.
6. You'll be setting an example for others your age, showing them that sexual activity can be avoided.
7. You'll be protecting your own reputation, no girl wants to be known as "loose" or "pakawala"; no boy wants the reputation of being a "stud" or "maniakis".
8. You'll know for certain that he or she cares about you for who you are and not just for your physical person.
9. You'll be free to channel your energies into healthy activities such as studies, sports, etc.
10. You'll learn not to confuse love with sex. Sex can be spontaneous and brief (a one night stand). Love takes time to grow and lasts forever.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Smoking: Straight Talk for Teenagers
Smoking is Unattractive
YOSI Kadiri! Remember that anti-smoking slogan? Smoking affects what you look like and how people relate to you. Smoking is simply unattractive, contrary to what most people think that smoking is glamorous or sexy. Smoking causes bad breath, bad skin and stained teeth. Smoking often makes other people not want to be around you. Even if you don\rquote t smoke, you may notice a strong odor of cigarettes in your clothes after being near someone who smokes.
Most conservative guys probably would not want to date a girl who smokes. Neither would a conservative girl want to date a guy who smokes. It's simply a big turn off.
Smoking is Unhealthy
Government General Warning: Smoking is Dangerous to your health. Studies have proven that smoking is harmful to health. Coaches require that athletes not smoke. Smoking reduces the amount of oxygen the bloodstream can deliver to the body. The result is that the athlete who smokes may not be able to swim or run as well as nonsmoking athletes.
The lungs of anyone who smokes do not deliver oxygen as efficiently as do the lungs of most nonsmokers. This is not only harmful to health, but can also result in poor athletic performance.
Nicotine is a harmful substance in tobacco smoke that can cause you to become dizzy and feel sick to your stomach. Not only that, but nicotine causes the heart to beat faster and work less effectively.
Many smokers develop an annoying cough. This is caused by the chemicals in cigarette smoke. These irritating substances damage the tiny hairs (called cilia) that line the lungs and help sweep dirt and waste products out.
Depending on how much you smoke, your lungs become gray and "dirty", instead of pink and healthy. The effects of smoking later on are far worse. The earlier a person starts smoking, the greater the risk of these diseases.
Smokers get cancer. Smokers are more than 10 times as likely to die of lung cancer than nonsmokers.
Smoking doubles the chances of heart disease.
Smoking is the main cause of chronic bronchitis, a serious lung infection, and emphysema, a crippling lung disease.
Smoking by pregnant women increases the risks of premature birth, underweight babies, and infant deaths.
Passive smoking harms nonsmokers. When nonsmokers are around people who smoke, they absorb nicotine, carbon monoxide, and other ingredients of tobacco smoke just as smokers do. People who are subject to passive smoking such as children of parents who smoke, can suffer from a variety of ailments. They are more likely than other people to develop lung infections, heart disease, and cancer.
Smoking is Addictive
According to the American Pediatrics Society, it takes only a short time to become addicted to nicotine. If you a re a smoker, you will know you are addicted when you find yourself craving cigarettes and feeling nervous without them. You will really know you are addicted when you try to quit smoking and can't.
Quitting can be hard for addicted smokers, and it can take a long time. Often people must try several times before they succeed. The longer you smoke, the harder it is to stop.
Smoking is Expensive
The cost of supporting a pack-a-day smoking habit adds up. It is a vice that eats up a big chunk of a teenager's daily allowance. Because teenagers still depend on their parent's hard earned money to provide them a good education as well as other needs, they would hide their smoking habit by doing it somewhere else. It also costs you a lot in other ways, missing school or work, becoming sick, and having increased medical expenses. That's a high price to pay for something that isn' t good for you in the first place.
Who Smokes?
Young people are more likely to smoke if they are living in households where a parent or an older brother or sister smokes. According to a teen drug abuse survey, nearly 90% of smokers start smoking as teenagers. It is important that young people learn what happens to smokers so as to make a healthy choice.
You can Quit
Quitting of course is possible. It is a must if you want the best for yourself and those around you. If you ignore warning signals and continue to smoke, your body will change. It will get used to the smoke. You won't cough or feel sick every time you puff on a cigarette. Yet the damage to your body continues and worsens each time you smoke.
In order to quit, you must be strong. Get help from family and friends. Redirect the habit to sports or exercise. Try and try if you don't succeed the first time. Deciding to stop smoking must be abrupt and not gradual as some people suggest.
Be Cool. Don't Smoke.
Slick advertisements are designed to encourage people to smoke. They depict attractive women and rugged men. These ads never mention harmful effects such as bad breath, stained teeth, heart disease, and cancer. Nor do they tell you how offensive smoking is to others. As one woman puts it, Kissing a man who smokes is like kissing a dirty ashtray.
So if you haven't tried smoking, don't. If you've already started, stop.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Teen Esteem
"Important Facts You Should Know About Yourself: " I am God's greatest miracle. Since the beginning of time, never has there been another with my mind, my heart, my eyes, my ears, my hands, my hair, my mouth. None that came before, none that live today, and none that comes tomorrow can walk and talk and move and think exactly like me. All are my brothers and sisters, yet I am different from each. I am a unique creature. I am God's s greatest miracle. No beast, no plant, no wind, no rain, no rock, no lake had the same beginning as I, for I was conceived in love and brought forth with a purpose from Og Mandino's Greatest Miracle of the World.
One of the dangers of adolescence is the possibility of falling into a hard-to-overcome sense of inferiority. Every teenager struggles with feelings of inferiority because of concerns about physical attractiveness, intelligence, money and the changes that accompany puberty. Adolescent feelings of self-esteem or personal worth are also strongly influenced by how others, especially parents and peers - think about you. The key to overcoming the ups and downs of such feelings is to be proud of oneself.
If you are to live satisfying lives, you need to feel valuable and that the world is a better place because you are here. Stop worrying about what others think because it could make a person shallow and self-centered. It is important to remember that you are beautiful, unique and no other person was created exactly like you, even if positive feedback is not received from others.
Eight Reminders about Self-Esteem
A person's self-worth never changes. Every human being is created with natural, God-given dignity and value. A strong sense of your inherent worth can help when others don't affirm or value you as you would like. This is especially relevant in your ability to resist peer pressure, from those who want you to behave irresponsibly (such as encouraging illicit sexual behavior or the use of alcohol and drugs). You must have both strong ideals and a good sense of self-worth to be able to withstand the rejection of teasing peers when you decide not to participate.
Teens are not alone.
You need to observe others to realize that everyone has times when one feels shy, quiet, angry, mean, silly, or distant and aloof. People often act this way when they are feeling insecure. Everyone experiences such times.
Don't compare yourself to others.
This is at the root of any sense of inferiority. It is folly because people tend to compare their greatest weakness to another person's outward appearance. There will always be people who are better or worst than you. If you accept who you are, you don't have to compare yourself to others. Instead of comparing, make the most of what you have by concentrating on your strengths. Accentuate the skills that you have, and work to develop new ones based on what you admire in others. If you respect yourself, others will, too.
Establish genuine friendships.
Instead of comparing yourself to others, care for others. The best way to have good friends is to be a good friend, first, by doing things for others and by expecting nothing in return.
Be your own person.
This requires knowing your values and being faithful to them. It helps to know what you want and have a plan for achieving it. Keep a journal for your goals, ideals, priorities and values. Otherwise, you will be tossed around by every distraction that comes along.
Pay attention to prayer and spiritual growth.
Study what really matters in life. Spiritual needs must be taken cared of in order for the whole person to remain healthy. Remember that adults and teens, men and women alike are spiritual as well as physical beings.
Teen Creed
Don't let your parent's down. They brought you up. Be humble enough to obey, you may give orders someday. Choose companions with care, You become what they are. Guard your thoughts, what you think, You are. Choose only a date who would make a good mate. Be master of your habits, or they will master you. Don' t be a show off when you drive, drive with safety and arrive. Don't let the crowd pressure you, Stand for something or you'll fall for anything.
Stay in touch and communicate with parents.
Parents are constant, faithful friends who are interested in the well-being and happiness of their children. They have a lot wisdom and love and can be the strongest support in times of difficulty. Communicate your problems to them, seek their advice, and pray for them.
Face your problems. Ignoring problems does not make them go away. Instead, it tends to lower one's feelings of self-esteem. When you train yourself to avoid procrastination and to face problems head on, you will find that it gets easier to meet challenges in the future.
Source: Pro-Life Philippines Youth for Life Love and Family by Mercedes Arzu Wilson
Teen Esteem
"Important Facts You Should Know About Yourself: " I am God's greatest miracle. Since the beginning of time, never has there been another with my mind, my heart, my eyes, my ears, my hands, my hair, my mouth. None that came before, none that live today, and none that comes tomorrow can walk and talk and move and think exactly like me. All are my brothers and sisters, yet I am different from each. I am a unique creature. I am God's s greatest miracle. No beast, no plant, no wind, no rain, no rock, no lake had the same beginning as I, for I was conceived in love and brought forth with a purpose from Og Mandino's Greatest Miracle of the World.
One of the dangers of adolescence is the possibility of falling into a hard-to-overcome sense of inferiority. Every teenager struggles with feelings of inferiority because of concerns about physical attractiveness, intelligence, money and the changes that accompany puberty. Adolescent feelings of self-esteem or personal worth are also strongly influenced by how others, especially parents and peers - think about you. The key to overcoming the ups and downs of such feelings is to be proud of oneself.
If you are to live satisfying lives, you need to feel valuable and that the world is a better place because you are here. Stop worrying about what others think because it could make a person shallow and self-centered. It is important to remember that you are beautiful, unique and no other person was created exactly like you, even if positive feedback is not received from others.
Eight Reminders about Self-Esteem
A person's self-worth never changes. Every human being is created with natural, God-given dignity and value. A strong sense of your inherent worth can help when others don't affirm or value you as you would like. This is especially relevant in your ability to resist peer pressure, from those who want you to behave irresponsibly (such as encouraging illicit sexual behavior or the use of alcohol and drugs). You must have both strong ideals and a good sense of self-worth to be able to withstand the rejection of teasing peers when you decide not to participate.
Teens are not alone.
You need to observe others to realize that everyone has times when one feels shy, quiet, angry, mean, silly, or distant and aloof. People often act this way when they are feeling insecure. Everyone experiences such times.
Don't compare yourself to others.
This is at the root of any sense of inferiority. It is folly because people tend to compare their greatest weakness to another person's outward appearance. There will always be people who are better or worst than you. If you accept who you are, you don't have to compare yourself to others. Instead of comparing, make the most of what you have by concentrating on your strengths. Accentuate the skills that you have, and work to develop new ones based on what you admire in others. If you respect yourself, others will, too.
Establish genuine friendships.
Instead of comparing yourself to others, care for others. The best way to have good friends is to be a good friend, first, by doing things for others and by expecting nothing in return.
Be your own person.
This requires knowing your values and being faithful to them. It helps to know what you want and have a plan for achieving it. Keep a journal for your goals, ideals, priorities and values. Otherwise, you will be tossed around by every distraction that comes along.
Pay attention to prayer and spiritual growth.
Study what really matters in life. Spiritual needs must be taken cared of in order for the whole person to remain healthy. Remember that adults and teens, men and women alike are spiritual as well as physical beings.
Teen Creed
Don't let your parent's down. They brought you up. Be humble enough to obey, you may give orders someday. Choose companions with care, You become what they are. Guard your thoughts, what you think, You are. Choose only a date who would make a good mate. Be master of your habits, or they will master you. Don' t be a show off when you drive, drive with safety and arrive. Don't let the crowd pressure you, Stand for something or you'll fall for anything.
Stay in touch and communicate with parents.
Parents are constant, faithful friends who are interested in the well-being and happiness of their children. They have a lot wisdom and love and can be the strongest support in times of difficulty. Communicate your problems to them, seek their advice, and pray for them.
Face your problems. Ignoring problems does not make them go away. Instead, it tends to lower one's feelings of self-esteem. When you train yourself to avoid procrastination and to face problems head on, you will find that it gets easier to meet challenges in the future.
Source: Pro-Life Philippines Youth for Life Love and Family by Mercedes Arzu Wilson
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Commitment not MU!
The world teaches a different thing or perspective concerning relationships with the opposite sex. Its okei to be in a “relationship” without a commitment. Kaya super complicated ang journey niyong dalawa.Commitment nt MUAng reason ng ilan…
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Commitment is the answer not MU thing. Commitment looks in the future! One time shot, short time, playing safe doesn’t describe it at all. If you’re not yet ready, stop and think! Spare your heart from aches. Save it and wait for the right time. Build healthy relationships first to your family, friends, classmates, workmates, churchmates.
Think about this.. God’s love for you is not a MU thing. He built it in commitment to fulfill the promise he has set before our hearts. Its a relationship that will never end. Forever, that’s what we call COMMITMENT.
Are you afraid of commitments?
What things hinder you to commit faithfully to someone?
Do you need a change on how u personally view things?
Thursday, March 5, 2009
the Story of Janette
A Pro-life Hero
“You seem to have a problem. Allow us to help you. Here is a telephone number of someone who will assist you in your situation now.” Janette Ealdama gently speaks with a young woman buying abortive tablets from a herbal vendor in Quiapo.
Jeannette has been an active volunteer of Pro-life Philippines for the past twenty years. Having ten children to raise has not deprived her of time to counsel in one of our crisis pregnancy centers or to lecture on pro-life values to teens and couples in depressed communities. She attends pro-life seminars and conferences for her own growth and for encouragement because, according to her, she needs warm bodies to keep her zeal going. Otherwise, she will give up.
A few years back, Janette would go around Metro Manila removing billboards and posters on “Delayed Mens? Call…”. She knows that these places offer abortion. She brings along a can of paint and long brush in order to cover the numbers if the billboard is beyond her reach. She says she never encountered anyone objecting to her endeavor. Passersby probably thought she was responsible for putting up the billboards and had every right to remove them. She has certainly saved many lives by that courageous mission.
Lately, she has been going from one herbal vendor to another in the Fiesta Mall area in Alabang, where many of the herbal vendors in Quiapo have transferred ever since former Mayor Lito Atienza arrested many of them for selling abortifacients. Once released from detention, they set up their stalls again right there in Quiapo or transfer to Baclaran or Kamias sidewalks.
The vendors can get very nasty and they shove her aside when she begins talking with the buyers. She shows the woman or boyfriend the model of a three month old fetus, photos of the development of the unborn baby, and gives them hotline numbers and addresses of maternity homes. “Some of them listen attentively to me,” she relates. “You can see the desperation in their eyes. But once they receive the materials I give them and I see a sense of relief in their faces, I know that my time out there has been worth it.”
Pro-life needs volunteers to do what Janette has been doing - to confront the herbal vendors and buyers of the abortive pills. If you wish to join Jeanette in this vital work of saving babies and their mothers from abortion, call our Pro-life office for orientation and training and assignment. (911-2911, Sr. Pilar 0920-945-5494)
You, too, can be a Pro-life Hero!