Wednesday, June 13, 2012

The RH Betrayal

When we had our small prayer march last February, we stopped in front of the office of the Family Planning Organization of the Philippines (FPOP). There we beheld their signboard, brazen and shameless it read:

“Family Planning Organization of the Philippines: A Local Affiliate of International Planned Parenthood (IPPF)”

IPPF, or International Planned Parenthood Federation, just happens to be the biggest abortion provider in the whole world, responsible for millions of murdered babies every year. FPOP, on the other hand, provides contraceptives in the grassroots ,  and is one of the major supporters of the RH Bill.

The blood of our ancestors and heroes were spilled  to ensure that no other foreign power will ever come to our shores again and shackle our freedom.

Several hundred years later and it seems we have forgotten their ultimate sacrifice. The RH bill, the brainchild of a foreign nation that seeks to advance its own interest, is the ultimate betrayal of our nation.     

Selling Us Out

Contraceptives  and other forms of artificial contraception are intrinsically disordered by virtue of natural law.  It’s really simple:  sex causes babies. Removing the procreative part from the conjugal act means you are messing with the master plan of nature. And we all know what happens next: if you mess with nature, nature messes with you. Your ovulation is a natural bodily function. You want to stop it in order not to get pregnant? Guess what, cancer is waiting for you down the line. Or blood clots, whichever catches you first. You want to stop bearing children? Look at countries like Japan and Russia. They had so few babies they don’t know where to get their next generation. So they resort to giving incentives to couples who bear more children in order to jumpstart babymaking once more. It hasn’t worked.  You mess with nature, nature messes with you. 

Now why in the world would our congressmen and senators not learn from other countries’ experiences and still push for the legalization of RH? It’s a sellout, in my opinion. Accepting foreign funding in exchange for peddling foreign contraception and sterilization. Cold cash in exchange for the future of this country. 

 That is betrayal of this nation’s trust. A betrayal of the highest order.           

True Freedom, True Power

What business does our government have on what we do in our bedrooms? What right have they on the most intimate part of our lives? None of course – but let us realize that this unholy influence goes beyond this government. It comes from foreign meddling as well.

Almost 30 years after Kissinger’s NSSM 200 and we are still suffering from foreign intrusion as evidenced by the RH bill, which is being peddled as for the empowerment of women and couples’ freedom of choice. Nothing can be further from the truth.

True empowerment comes from education and employment. Give a man a job and he will have means to feed his family; give a man a condom, and yes, he may prevent future children from being born, but not alleviate the hunger he and his family suffer from.

True empowerment does not come from the pill or the condom. True empowerment comes from oneself, when one has learned to master his urges and emotions. To even insinuate that empowerment comes from a piece of rubber is an insult to the Filipino.

There can be no true freedom as long as foreign powers continue to exploit the common Filipino by peddling them contraceptives all in the name of freedom of choice. Freedom can only be achieved when the sovereign Filipino people finally decide to reject the RH bill, which does not reflect true nor authentic Filipino family values.

True freedom is going back to our identities as Filipinos: loving life, welcoming children in our families, and helping those in need (Bayanihan). We have long forgotten these virtues and replaced them with the empty promises of the RH Bill.

Posted June 13,2012
Pro-Life Philippines Foundation Inc.

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